From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Create a click track

Create a click track

- [Instructor] In the previous chapter, we looked at recording with GarageBand's built-in library of prerecorded loops which are great when you need a quick musical phrase or sound to add to your project. You can also generate your own loops, which is useful if you have sounds that you often use in multiple projects. Let's take a look at how to do this by creating a click track loop. A click track is a track with a beat on it to help you keep time, like a metronome. The reason I like using a click track is because it can become increasingly difficult to hear GarageBand's built-in metronome as you add more and more tracks to your project, as we've heard, the metronome in GarageBand sounds like this. (metronome clicking) Now, first of all, it's not the most distinct sound, and secondly, you only have limited control over its volume, it can be really hard to hear this short clicking sound when you're recording a loud…
