From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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- [Instructor] All right, now that we've cleaned up and organized our tracks a bit, let's talk about mixing them all together. Now, too many people spend too little time during this part. Try to remember that what you're creating here is the final version, or at least the first impression of the song that anyone you choose to share this with is going to hear. So be prepared to spend a decent amount of time mixing your song . In professional studios, it's not unheard of to spend anywhere between several hours to several days mixing a single song and figuring out exactly where every instrument should sit in the mix. So don't beat yourself up if you find yourself spending what seems like a long time on your mix, just do it until you're happy with the mix or at least until you feel like you can live with it. The first thing we should look at are the different level sliders and GarageBand, because when you're mixing you're…
