From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Record and composite multiple takes

Record and composite multiple takes - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

Record and composite multiple takes

- [Narrator] Previously, we looked at how to record a real instrument track as well as how to fix mistakes by punching in either on the same track or onto a new duplicate track. But sometimes all this stopping and starting can get really tedious and ruin the groove you're in especially when you need to stop recording, trim regions, and reposition the playhead between takes. So in this video, I'm going to show you a feature that allows you to perform back-to-back attempts at a selected section of your recording. You can then choose which take to keep and even chop up takes to use the best parts of each one. I still have the rhythm guitar track we recorded in the previous movie here. And for this example, we're going to add a lead guitar over the intro. We've already created a second guitar track here and I've chosen a sound for it. - (guitar strum) - So to perform multiple takes in a row, we need to turn on our cycle…
