From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Use Drummer to create custom drum beats

Use Drummer to create custom drum beats - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

Use Drummer to create custom drum beats

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we've been looking primarily at garage bands built in loop library. And as you've seen, it's perfectly possible and fairly easy to build an entire song completely out of loops. But I'd say in many cases, you'll probably be using loops to add to your projects in which you'll be recording software or real instrument performances. Many people just use loops to fill in for instruments they don't have, can't play, or can't practically record. One of the toughest instruments to record, well, is a full drum kit which traditionally requires several microphones and knowing where to properly placed them. If you're a songwriter and you just want to get a demo of a song down, setting up a drum kit and recording it might take too long or be too daunting. Now, as you've seen, you can turn to the loop library and garage band and select from hundreds of drum loops to find the loops that best match the…
