From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Use the Arrangement track

Use the Arrangement track

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at a feature in GarageBand called the arrangement track. Traditionally, when you recorded a song, you'd have to have its arrangement already worked out. Meaning you had to know how the intro, verses, choruses, bridges ending and other sections of your song were going to be organized before you started recording because changing the order of those sections afterwards was pretty difficult especially before computers. But with GarageBand, if you decide after recording that you prefer the song to you start with the chorus before it gets into the first verse, you can easily make that change simply by dragging the sections of your song around instead of having to re-record the entire thing. So in this song we've been working with, we have an intro, a verse, a chorus, a second verse, a guitar solo, a middle eight and a final verse and final chorus. So the first step is to identify these sections…
