From the course: Generative AI and Large Language Models on AWS

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Benefits of cloud computing

Benefits of cloud computing

- [Instructor] The benefits of cloud computing include comparative advantage as really the key driver behind these opportunities. You're focusing on the lowest opportunity cost, or what is the thing that you're going to give up the least in order to focus on. And that's really the principle of cloud computing in a nutshell. If we take a look first at capital here, you're trading capital expense for variable expense. So it means that you don't have to put $1 million on a bunch of servers. You can piecemeal, add capacity when you need it, and this could be a dynamic capacity as well. You can add to it and take it away. It's a lot like a utility company. We also have the ability to benefit from economies of scale. Because cloud providers buy in bulk, they have lower costs. They can deliver those resources due to scale. We also have the ability to not need to guess capacity as well. So just like the utility company, you have the ability to turn or turn off the thermostat. Imagine if you…
