From the course: Generative AI and Large Language Models on AWS

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Installing and configuring CodeWhisperer

Installing and configuring CodeWhisperer

- [Instructor] Here we have the documentation for installing CodeWhisperer for the command line. You can see that you can download CodeWhisperer for macOS here and then authenticate with a builder ID. And then this gives you the ability to have all of these enhanced natural language processing features in your shell. So what we can do here is actually bring over the preferences here and you can see some of the things that you can get started with. So first up here, we see a window that shows everything that's happening, all right, so you get these nice auto completes here that help you navigate folders, maybe give you different options for different directories. So that's pretty helpful. And then we also have CLI completions as well. So what this does is it shows you all the different things that you can do and you can even enhance it by, you know, customizing, let's say, allow instant execute after space, you know, execute dangerous commands. Let's say you're an expert user, you…
