From the course: Generative AI and Large Language Models on AWS

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Using CodeWhisperer CLI

Using CodeWhisperer CLI

- [Instructor] Here we have a terminal that has AWS CodeWhisper's CLI installed. First up here, I'm going to type in the cw ai, start here. And what's nice about this is that I can ask it a simple question using natural language. So for example, list files. What happens is that it translates it to ls -l. So this is really handy, especially for people who are getting used to the Shell. Notice, I can execute the command, I can edit the command, I can regenerate the answer, I can ask another question or cancel. So this is also a nice little menu here as well. So let's go ahead and execute that command. Now, the other thing that comes into play that's pretty cool is that it has good auto completion for AWS commands, since this tool is made by AWS. So by typing aws s3, notice that it gives me all of the different commands that are available, which is pretty awesome, because a lot of times it is time intensive to, you know, look at the documentation, et cetera. But I can actually use this…
