From the course: Generative AI for Podcasters

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Creating blog posts with AI tools

Creating blog posts with AI tools - ChatGPT Tutorial

From the course: Generative AI for Podcasters

Creating blog posts with AI tools

- [Instructor] Similar to creating social posts, many podcast AI tools can take a transcript and turn it into a blog post, so let's see how we can do that here. We're going to use Capsho specifically for this one, as they have a build-your-own-post style editor, which I really appreciate. And we'll use the same episode for why I'm switching to long-form content. So, we'll click into that. I've already uploaded the audio here for my podcast. We'll click into that, and then I'll go to Capsho Long Form Description. Now, there are a number of other options here. Social media captions, title and description, YouTube description and more, and then if we wanted to create a proper blog post, that's actually one plan up apparently from the one that I have, but that's okay. We can click in and basically build our own little blog post. So, we have a suggested title: "Content Creation Secrets Revealed: Why Long-Form Content…
