From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Challenges that lead to a digital transformation

Challenges that lead to a digital transformation

A major indicator for organizations that are accelerating their innovation is how they think about transformation. Instead of asking infrastructure questions about where their apps and services should run, they ask transformation questions about how to build an environment that helps every person, process, and technology to adapt to changing business needs. So what are the types of problems and questions that make organizations undergo a digital transformation? At Google, when we talk to our customers about their biggest business challenges and what they need to accelerate digital transformation, we consistently hear five themes. First, they want to be the best at understanding and using data. Today, organizations must unify data across streams, lakes, warehouses, and databases so that they can quickly and easily break down data silos, generate real time insights, and make better business decisions, thus reducing costs and inefficiencies. Second, they want the best technology…
