From the course: Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Cert Prep: 4 Ensuring Solution Quality

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Energy efficiency of Python vs. Rust

Energy efficiency of Python vs. Rust

- One of the things that is a common misunderstanding about switching from Python to Rust is that, hey, it already works with Python. You know, I don't want to rock the boat. Let's go ahead and stay with the language that I'm productive in. Well, I'm going to show you a use case here where I do think many intelligent people should consider the energy efficiency of the Python language. And in particular, I'm going to talk about two different things. First, a study that shows the energy and time comparison across languages. And we're going to use C and Rust really as the same thing. They're, basically, in terms of energy efficiency, computational power, effectively equivalent. And we're also going to talk about Python in terms of, you know, where it ranks in terms of energy efficiency and also computational performance. And I'm going to talk about two different studies. And I think what you're going to find out is that there…
