From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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People in a group on a grid

People in a group on a grid

- Hi everyone, John McWade. Last time we were talking about the coolness of a visible grid, especially the way it organizes and presents a collage of different images. And I'd like to continue that this time, but with people. If you've seen my cropping course, you've seen this first demonstration before. And that's how to size and crop a group of mugshots being portraits. What you're looking at here are four photos, basically as they came out of the camera. They're really nice pictures. Two are in portrait mode, one is square, one is landscape. You have several options. One is to present them exactly as you see them here where they haven't been cropped, but they've been aligned horizontally. This gives you the variety that's inherent in these images. There's a liveliness to these. They capture people in their daily world, living their lives. And they're happy pictures. A second option is to crop them all square. This is similar, but a little tighter. Some order's been imposed here…
