From the course: Green Building Studio: Energy Analysis

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Applying photovoltaic analysis

Applying photovoltaic analysis

- [Instructor] In Green Building Studio we can look at (chuckles), well, adding solar panels, basically. I just like saying photovoltaics, it makes me sound smarter. This quick video will have us adding photovoltaics to a building hypothetically to see how long it takes for them to pay themselves back. So, let's go into Autodesk Green Building Studio. So make sure we're under My Projects. And under My Projects, let's make sure we're in INoffice or whatever project you're working in. We'll go to our Run List, and in our Run List we'll come down to Photovoltaic Analysis. Now here are our defaults. If we scroll down a little bit, we'll see that Surface Variables and Shading Variables, this stuff all came in with our model. So we're not going to be able to really edit this. So we have a baseline assessment on the actual IDs of our building information. Up here we can change some info, like panel type. They only give us three, so if we go, maybe down to Thin Film - 7.5% efficient, that's…
