From the course: Guy Kawasaki on Turning Life Wisdom into Business Success

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It’s not personal

It’s not personal

- Back in the 90s, 1990s not 1890's, back in the 90s, I lived in San Francisco on Union Street in Cow Hollow. So, Cow Hollow is where Union Street dead ends into the Presidio, so, to put it mildly, it is a nice place. And, one day I'm outside cutting the hedge, and this older white woman comes up to me and says, "Do you do lawns?" (laughs) And I said to her, "So, because I'm Japanese you think I'm the yardman, right." She goes, "No, no. "It's because you're doing such a great job, "I want to know if you do lawns." So, that's a good story right there, just some wisdom there about racial profiling, ya know, you see a Japanese guy cutting the lawn, or cutting the hedge in front of a house, don't assume he's the yardman. But wait, it gets better. So, a few weeks later my father comes and visits me. I'm third generation Japanese-American. He's second, served in the US Army, the whole shooting match, right, and I fully…
