From the course: How Blockchains Will Change Business

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Blockchains in HR

Blockchains in HR

- Say you're facing a new strategic initiative and you need to find specialized talent fast. They need to be onboarded and given access to resources quickly without compromising security. What if you could easily indirectly source that talent from far beyond your normal networks, verify their identity, their credentials, their reputation, grant and revoke access to resources as needed , track their use of these resources and contribution at a really granular level, and then compensate them without administrative overhead and everything was recorded in a permanent, trustworthy and immutable ledger. How would it change what your organization could achieve if you could do that on a regular basis? So, new technology tends to come slower to HR than other departments, but blockchains will impact HR as the technology is more widely adopted and integrated. Not only will they help to streamline processes, but they can support a more…
