From the course: How Managers Create a Culture of Belonging

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Hands: Shift your behavior

Hands: Shift your behavior

- When we decide we want to take off those masks, it can be scary. If the thought of removing your mask makes you panic, It's okay. In some cases it's because the environment you're in isn't really ready for a shift and there could be real consequences. For example, in Chris's case, being too emotional in her environment may have impeded her ability to get promoted. In this video, you'll learn three steps to move toward personal belonging, envision your outcome, identify your stretch zone and take baby steps toward belonging. The first step is to envision your outcome. The best way to push yourself past something uncomfortable, is to make the benefit of the discomfort greater than the cost. It's simple math. It's very important when you're thinking about creating belonging to truly envision what this new environment will look like and what it'll feel like because what we think and what we feel, our head and our…
