From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

AI and ML role in mitigating climate change

From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

AI and ML role in mitigating climate change

- [Narrator] AI and ML provide us with better information about the effects of climate change and how to mitigate it. They can also help us create solutions for addressing this challenge. There are many different ways to approach climate change mitigation. We can remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, reduce our use of fossil fuels or reduce carbon emissions in factories. AI and ML can help us make better decisions and provide us with the information we need to make informed decisions about our energy use and carbon emissions, as well as supply us with new ways of addressing this challenge. When considering your industry and how AI and ML may change it, think about these three areas. First is error reduction. When humans make errors conducting manual tasks that work often has to be reviewed and redone. This wastes time and energy as people have to exert more effort addressing those problems than necessary. Second is greater efficiency. A company can create more efficient processes by combining several types of AI, including machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision. In turn, this reduces energy use, as well as the time needed to complete a task. Finally, reduction of raw materials. AI can be used to monitor and reduce the use of raw materials in your factories. It can also come up with innovative uses for low carbon materials that could lower your total carbon emissions. Learning about the systems of your business will allow you to make data driven predictions, identify trends that could lead to problems and create new innovative solutions to reduce waste and pollution created by your processes.
