From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

Case study: Continuous emissions monitoring

From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

Case study: Continuous emissions monitoring

- [Narrator] The market for continuous emissions monitoring will exceed billions of dollars in the years ahead. Many existing emissions monitoring technologies will be insufficient to meet the methane reduction goals laid out by regulators as they are either too intermittent to provide realistic emissions measurements or are too expensive to deploy across an entire stack resulting in missing data. This is where IoT comes into play and can help facilitate continuous emissions monitoring. It is relatively inexpensive, can be deployed across geographically dispersed areas and across diverse equipment types. An example of this is largely evident in the oil and gas industry where the industry needs a way to implement continuous emissions monitoring and mitigation processes across their entire infrastructure. To solve this, the oil and gas industry began building solutions that combine IoT devices with their proprietary AI solutions that can be used to detect emission types, emission quantities, factor in wind speed and direction and accurately locate the origin of the leak. This innovative solution will ensure emissions are tracked, prove the impact of an organization's efforts to reduce emissions to both investors and regulators, along with avoiding steep fines, lawsuits and reputable damage.
