From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

SDG goal #6: Clean water and sanitization

From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

SDG goal #6: Clean water and sanitization

- [Instructor] This is a browser walkthrough of sustainable development goal number six that focuses on clean water and sanitization. If you go ahead and scroll towards the bottom, you'll be able to see an overview of goal number six. Our rivers, reservoirs, lakes, and seas are drowning in chemicals, waste, plastic, and other pollutants. Access to water and sanitation is essential for human wellbeing, personal safety, and good health. It also enables access to decent jobs, education and economic opportunities, and yet, millions of people lack access to clean drinking water. While substantial progress has been made in increasing access to clean drinking water and sanitation, billions of people around the world still lack these essential services. Improving water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, the convergence of these technologies in water management can change the way we treat and manage water sources around us. Improving water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials. This would substantially increase recycling and safe reuse of water globally. There are three primary ways for businesses to ensure that they are doing their part for their community they operate in. First, using digital tools gives unique opportunities to use big data to improve network performance in a range of ways, including minimizing water loss and developing more sustainable asset management prioritization. Second, identifying prioritization areas. The use of IoT sensors to measure water quality in real time to collect data for validation and reliability analysis can help educate utilities to make the right decisions. Finally, using predictive AI and ML models provide effective tools for implementing predictive maintenance for water management solutions that can help utilities make the right decisions in real time. The convergence of these three technologies provides a robust approach for improving network performance and minimizing water loss and pollution while developing a more sustainable future of water sanitation. This is a browser walkthrough of the UN Water Data portal that brings all of the United Nations water and sanitation information into one place. This is designed for decision makers, advisors, technical professionals, researchers, and students. These tools help users visualize and analyze the information, giving them a clear picture of how the world is progressing towards various sustainable development goals. The object of this portal is to track overall progress towards sustainable development goals around water and sanitation at a global, regional, and national level, enable assessment and analysis of the state of water resources and linkages to other sectors, raise awareness of water and sanitation issues to help catalyze action, encourage and improve sustainable development goal monitoring and reporting at all levels, and finally, be an entry point to the wealth of water and sanitation information available within the United Nations system. As a business leader, you can analyze this information and get a clear picture on how you can contribute to clean water and sanitation within your organization.
