From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

SDG goal #7: Affordable and clean energy

From the course: How Tech Drives Sustainability

SDG goal #7: Affordable and clean energy

- This is a browser walkthrough of sustainable development goal number seven that focuses on affordable and clean energy. If you go ahead and scroll towards the bottom, you'll be able to see an overview of this goal. As the world's population grows, so does its need for energy. In order to meet this demand, we must transition away from fossil fuels and toward clean sources of energy that are more sustainable and more environmentally friendly. Energy is interconnected with all of the other sustainable development goals and recognizing these linkages is important to implement them effectively, as energy is not only essential for human survival, but for sustainable development and achievement of all other sustainable development goals. The goal is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. It also suggests sustainably increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix and doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. Let's walk through a real world use case. IOT is central to renewable energy's growth whether it's solar, wind, storage or other forms of renewable energy. IOT is driving the transformation in this sector. IOT sensors can monitor and optimize energy generation, transmission and distribution. This enables resilient operation of the grid while reducing costs. Businesses can deploy solar panels and wind turbines to generate its own electricity. Smart grid technology enabled by IOT helps companies manage supply and demand as part of their new distributed system in which power is generated locally rather than centrally. After this data has been collected, AI and ML prediction models can come into play to help identify peak hours and when to utilize energy the most to lower costs and increase efficiency. So there's two important things to think about. First, is measuring impact. Organization planning efforts can be better understood by measuring the impact of their decisions in real time using interconnected IOT sensors that measure energy consumption. Using big data from public data sets can help explore metrics that can prove impact and give organizations a way to show their employees and customer base that they're working to improve energy usage and drive sustainability. Instead of relying on manual data collection, which is time consuming and costly, organizations can use AI models to predict the impact of their decisions. This allows them to measure the impact of initiatives such as energy efficiency programs, sustainability initiatives and other efforts that can improve operations and reduce costs. Second, is data driven budget allocation. Data generated by sensors across an organization can help business leaders decide where to allocate a limited budget and sustainable energy effort. Organizations that use data to determine how to invest in the most efficient and effective energy projects has the ability to reduce their carbon footprint. Using data-driven reporting and benchmarking, data generated by sensors across an organization can help business leaders understand where they stand in their sustainability efforts compared to other organizations or even to themselves over time. These two points allow organizations to see how they're performing compared to industry standards so they can make informed decisions about where to invest resources to be more sustainable.
