From the course: How to Conduct a Phishing Email Investigation
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Email investigation header walk-through
From the course: How to Conduct a Phishing Email Investigation
Email investigation header walk-through
- [Instructor] For chapter two, we've collected information from the email. Originally, I was going to have you all open and investigate the two emails, but LinkedIn had me change this because ensuring the same email stayed unaltered for thousands of people is a problem just waiting to happen. So, with that said, let's do a walkthrough instead. For this video, you will have two EML files included in the exercise files. The second file is an email header for an email that has another email as an attachment. Because of that, both email headers are combined into one file, so literally a two for one. You can identify this by noticing that there are multiple message IDs in the email, but that'd be for later. So, with that said, we will only focus on the answers for the original email, aka, the suspicious email, and so you're able to see exactly how you're able to download files or messages, how you're able to download emails as…
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