From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Classic email pitch

Classic email pitch

Vanessa Van Edwards had a message to get out to the world. As an expert on social psychology she spent her days developing business courses on persuasion and influence. The business was going well, but she wanted to expand her audience. She'd set her sights on partnering with an online platform that offered lifestyle and business instruction. Vanessa had several friends who taught courses with this company, so she could easily have asked for an introduction to a high level decision maker. But that's not what she did. Instead of connecting to one of the producers or executives, she took a different approach. She wrote into the customer support email address that was listed on the website, making her case for why her course would be so effective. This might sound pretty risky writing in blindly with no introduction to an all purpose email address that probably received any number of random pitches. It was the online equivalent of cold calling. Surely the odds of success would be low, if…
