From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Combining different interests

Combining different interests

You don't have to do just one thing, and sometimes you'll find the best possible outcomes by combining different passions and interests. Emily Wapnick, the author of How to Do Everything, generously agreed to share an exercise she uses with clients who are trying to craft a multifaceted career. Answering these questions shouldn't take long, and they might lead you in a direction you haven't yet considered. You can find a downloadable version of this activity in the exercise files for the course. Here's the quick version of how it works. Step one, create your master list. So here you make a list of all your passions and interests, past and present. Now, if all sounds like too many, just make sure you have at least 15 to 20. And don't overthink it. Star or circle the ones that really pull at your heart right now. Step two, once you've got that, try out the common thread approach. For each starred item answer these questions. What drew you to this area? And does this item have anything…
