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Create backup plans

Create backup plans

When I was starting out in business, I used to say things like, Screw the backup plan! Backup plans are for cowards! But now I know that's not usually the best mindset. A backup plan doesn't make you cowardly, it actually makes you more courageous because those backup plans allow you to make bolder decisions. An easy way to make a backup plan for any situation is to use the if then model. Here's how it works. Programmers and accountants use if then statements to tell computer programs how to process information. If a certain action proves true, then another action is executed. If then logic also shows up when using deductive reasoning in everyday life. If you turn off the faucet, then the water will stop running. If you walk outside without an umbrella, then you will get wet. In programing, good coders try to create failsafe options in case something doesn't go as planned. For example, Tokyo city planners use this method to figure out how to reroute commuters with the least amount of…
