From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Determine your ideal conditions

Determine your ideal conditions

In addition to schedule, social environment, and collaboration several other working conditions affect your performance and well-being. Personal security matters, as does your preferred style of reporting and accountability. And also a sense of contribution, being part of a mission greater than yourself. Lots of factors, right? The key point is when it comes to career satisfaction and overall well-being working conditions are just as important as what you're actually working on. So with all these factors, do you know which of the conditions are most important to you? Further, since most people tend to fall somewhere in the middle of any given range, how do you determine your specific preferences? Well, I've got a quiz for you! In the exercise files you can find a short quiz, it's only a few questions, that will give you some immediate answers. Here are three of the questions you'll find. First, what type of boss would you prefer? A supportive and understanding boss or no boss at all?…
