From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Successful people, no matter their field, are good at following up and following through. If you have ever been to a meeting where a lot of good ideas were discussed, but then nothing happened later, you have spotted a great opportunity to put these skills to use. It's easy to come up with ideas. Making ideas come to life is where the real value is. And in this lesson, I'll show you how. Notice I use two phrases Their follow up and follow through. Follow up is basic, but yet still underrated as a skill since so many people aren't good at it. If you're in a meeting and you're assigned a task following up, it's making sure you do it and then reporting back. Like I said, this matters a lot. Follow through tends to require more effort. If you start to complete the task you've been assigned, but then run into some obstacle. What happens? Well, many people will just report back at the next meeting. Oh, I tried to do that, but then I got stuck. Womp, womp. Someone who follows through will…
