From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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A few years ago, I started working with a web developer named Nicky Hajal. Developers are an interesting group of people. They're almost always highly skilled, but they also tend to do things their own way and on their own schedule. Also, and of course, this isn't always true, they sometimes focus much more on the detailed technical part of a given task to the detriment of the bigger picture. Nicky was different. From our very first interactions it was clear he was interested in harnessing technology in a way that would make things better, not just for the sake of using technology itself. He was motivated by progress and improvement, and if he didn't know how to do something, he'd simply go off and learn it instead of giving up or reporting back on a failure. Nicky was also phenomenal when it came to follow up and follow through. One time I had a project that another developer was initially going to complete. This person wanted six weeks to do it. We didn't have anywhere near that…
