From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Identify working conditions

Identify working conditions

It's not just what you do that determines your career satisfaction, it's how you do it. To find the work you were born to do you need a strong match with both the right content and the best working conditions. When only one side of the equation is met, you'll always be missing something important. Rewarding work with a terrible schedule ultimately leads to stress and lack of balance. A great schedule or ideal working environment with meaningless or even miserable work, won't help in the long run either. It doesn't matter how late you can sleep in the morning, or how awesome your coworkers are if you have to spend 8 hours a day doing something you despise. There are a few factors to consider as you learn to recognize the kind of working conditions you want. So let's look at three of them. Schedule, social environment, and collaboration. First, schedule. We all want a certain degree of time on our own as well as a certain amount of autonomy to work the way we prefer. Some people crave…
