From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Negotiation isn't just for diplomats and sales professionals. The art of negotiation is about finding win win solutions to any problem in or out of the workplace. Some people think that the goal of negotiating is to get the best possible deal for yourself. But that's not the point, at least not at any cost. You do want to speak up for yourself and get a good deal. Of course. But you also want the other party to leave the table happy. On a trip to China a few years ago, I noticed that there was a fine line between being a good negotiator and being too pushy. If I accepted a price at the market without bargaining, I was perceived as weak and naive. In China and lots of other cultures around the world, The first price is never the final one. You should always be prepared to make a counteroffer. However, if I argued too much, I noticed that the merchant would be insulted and withdraw from the discussion. The key to getting what I wanted was to walk that fine line, to be assertive, but not…
