From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Resume from the future

Resume from the future

If you're having trouble finding your unique combination of joy, money, and flow, take a few minutes to consider what you'd like your resume to look like several years from now. You might even call this your resume from the future. For example, let's say you're just getting started out of college as a junior analyst with an energy company. The job is interesting, but it's entry level. So you want to move up and move on as soon as possible. I've created an example resume the exercise files you can take a look at if you'd like. It includes elements for education, experience, salary requirements, ideal working conditions, and more. I've taken the liberty of listing the summary as, Former junior analyst worked hard and contributed to major advancement in first assignment. Now seeks greater role as Commander in Chief or similar. It also includes skills such as proficient in operation of jetpacks and zero gravity flight, as well as leaps tall buildings in single bounds, fluency in five…
