From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Seek alignment, not balance

Seek alignment, not balance

Have you ever noticed that when you're working on something that really matters to you, you might feel tired at the end of a big sprint, but you also feel fulfilled? Yes, it's good to get regular sleep, but sometimes if it's crunch time on a big deadline, you might stay up later than normal. And that's okay. Life work balance is one of those phrases that sounds good, but it's kind of been co-opted and overused to the point where it's easy to be skeptical about it. Is it really possible in this day and age to live fully in balance with your work, your relationships, your own self-care, and all the aspects within those broad categories? I'd like to suggest that instead of trying to be balanced, which is difficult for many of us, you think more about alignment. So what's the difference? Well, balanced implies something that is perfectly symmetrical. With alignment you do work that matters to you and you feel in touch with your priorities, even if the process itself sometimes feels messy.…
