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Take out career insurance

Take out career insurance

How can you develop career insurance? Think about the security actions you take elsewhere. If you have a smoke detector in your home, it's probably a good idea to make sure the batteries work. If you have children, you may take out a life insurance policy in case something happens to you. And no matter your household situation, it's prudent to maintain an emergency savings fund of at least three months worth of expenses. These are just three examples of common security measures people use to protect themselves in the event of death, disaster, or just bad luck. But security isn't just about money. It's also, if felt sense. Just as you should take actions to create tangible security, like that savings fund, you should also work to develop the feeling of security that will allow you to take on more risks in the search for your lottery winning career. You can do this by developing career insurance. Here are two options. First, have more than one source of income. Even if you don't want to…
