From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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The 100 Person Project

The 100 Person Project

Shenee Howard was a talented brand strategist who was proud of her work. But a few years ago she was also broke and clientless. Unsure of what she was doing wrong she decided to start talking to people. Rather than talking to mentors or experts Shenee decided to turn the tables and talk to 100 regular people, asking them about their problems with the goal of using her unique skills to find solutions. Using social media and email, she offered 15 minute strategy sessions by phone to anyone who had questions about branding, for free. These sessions weren't just a teaser for a paid service. Shenee really wanted to know what other people's problems were. Some of the calls did lead to paid work with the free clients liking her advice so much that they wanted to hire her. But even when the calls didn't end with a direct business connection, they often led to strong relationships and eventually loyal customers. Shenee went from broken clientless, to product launch for her first course less…
