From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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The Tic-Tac-Toe method

The Tic-Tac-Toe method

I really hope this course helps you make some big career improvements. But even if not, at least you can learn to play tic tac toe better. Armed with this info, you will never again lose. You can only win or tie. Here's all you need to know. If you go first always start with the centerpiece or one of the four corner pieces. Never play the middle of the edge piece unless defending against a near win. Second, if your opponent goes first, always respond with the centerpiece. If your opponent didn't choose it or a corner piece. In no circumstance should you choose a middle of the edge piece in the first round of a game. Third, whether you or your opponent began the game, if they make any sort of mistake, you should be able to convert the game into a win. If they play well, you'll tie. But no matter what, as long as you follow these rules, you will never lose. Okay. Aside from gaining the knowledge to crush your next tic tac toe opponent, or at least tie with them, there's something else…
