From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Why “soft skills” matter

Why “soft skills” matter

When most people think about improving their skills, they think about things like getting better at spreadsheets or practicing irregular verbs in another language. But for the most part, those things won't help you make the biggest advances in your career. Whether your goal is to break free of a job you dislike and move into the career you dream of, or whether you just want to improve your job security, you'll want to make rapid advancement in the right kinds of skills. There are two broad categories of these. First, in your specific field, there are technical skills that relate directly to the work you're hired to do. Examples include a kind of software you should master or any kind of practical hands on skill your job might require. So we'll call these hard skills. They aren't things that most people will learn, but they matter for what you do. It's important to improve these skills. But having good hard skills isn't usually sufficient to advance in a competitive environment…
