From the course: How to Find the Work You Love

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Though we all try to do it from time to time, it's been scientifically proven that the ability to multitask is largely a myth. Unfortunately, you've only got one brain and your brain can only pay attention to one task at a time. I want to introduce you to a different concept called work shifting. It's where you navigate multiple projects and interests by focusing fully on something for a while and then deliberately shifting to focus fully on something else. So now that you know what work shifting is, let's look at three specific types of it. Number one, time based. Elon Musk, you might have heard of him, famously serves as CEO for two major businesses, Tesla motors and SpaceX. In addition, he often announces other big projects and makes worldwide news for completely unrelated ideas. By all accounts, he divides his time by going back and forth between offices, working on one big set of responsibilities before turning his attention to another. Now this may sound intimidating, but you…
