From the course: How to Handle Conflict and Escalations Before They Turn Legal

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Don't argue

Don't argue

Don't argue. Remember how I said that conflict resolution is a path to negotiate. That path includes a journey through the facts, which provides an opportunity to listen for weaknesses and mistakes and possibly see where an escalation can be quickly defused. This isn't a place to argue about who has the right version of the facts. As you listen, ask questions that confirm something that might be very favorable to the desired outcome and use that opportunity to help the other person hear themselves. Like I did when I realized that money owed on my car lease was indeed owed and not an accounting error or oversight. The representative did not have to argue with me or prove a point. However, in his clarification of the facts, he probably knew that I had realized the outcome without any pushback from him. He was able to help me realize my mistake by remaining calm and asking questions to clarify the facts. As you're learning more about the situation, ask clarifying questions to allow the…
