From the course: How to Handle Conflict and Escalations Before They Turn Legal

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What happens if the escalation isn't settled?

What happens if the escalation isn't settled?

What do you do when an escalation is not settled? Of course, every company has a different policy that goes into effect when an employee can't settle a matter amicably with a customer. And remember, we do not want the matter to go to the lawyers. We want to do our best to ensure that we don't undo the work that we have done to de-escalate the situation. The fact that you were unable to settle it does not mean it's off the table. Someone else in your organization may have greater authority and you may need to set them up for success. Moreover, you might be able to come back to it once you've talked to your supervisors or your legal advisers, and you'll want to pick up the conversation where you left off. It's okay not to close out the escalation as long as the door remains open. Tell the customer you're going to take further action and get back to them with more options. As I've said, be sure you know what you're authorized to do in advance and you do your best to use it. If you're…
