From the course: How to Handle Conflict and Escalations Before They Turn Legal

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You can’t win every time

You can’t win every time

You can't win every time. There are some cases where you have to understand that you cannot salvage the relationship and you cannot make the customer happy. There are many cases where your job is to make it right. Find a solution that's at least adequate. However, there are instances where you're not going to have a solution and the customer or the other party are simply not going to be happy. I'll give you a real life example from one of my business ventures. In a property management business I'm involved with, a property owner wanted to terminate our company as their manager. I did my best to save the relationship. However, it was as if the universe was against me. The email system failed and their email bounced. The answering service was not able to transfer them when they called. They showed up at the office on the very day that we closed it for a company day off. By the time they terminated our services, there was nothing to be done. No apology would be adequate. No remedy would…
