From the course: How to Stop Overcommitting

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Break the cycle of overcommitment

Break the cycle of overcommitment

From the course: How to Stop Overcommitting

Break the cycle of overcommitment

Congratulations, I'm proud of you! And you should be proud of you, too. By completing this course, you've taken significant steps to evaluate not only your habits, and how you spent your time, but you've also explored what you truly value so you can begin to refocus your life and your calendar by prioritizing your commitments so you can achieve your goals. Remember, you'll need to revisit these exercises occasionally so you don't fall back into bad habits. Keep your calendar updated proactively so you can be honest with yourself and stay accountable. Please check out the resources page for this course for many more ways to help you along your journey. I invite you to connect with me online through my website or through my Rachel Staples Guettler profile on LinkedIn. I hope this course has motivated you to make impactful changes so you can ensure your commitments, your calendar, and your life are aligned with your values so you can live your life with purpose…
