From the course: How to Stop Overcommitting

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Delegate effectively

Delegate effectively

Delegation is a key way to help drive changes in your life that will help you create a more healthy rhythm so that you can accomplish what's most important. Effective delegation is important because you can't do it all. Plus, humans are social beings and leaning on others can actually create community when it's done well. When you delegate, you empower others to achieve. Some key strategies for effective delegation include things like timing, knowing when it's appropriate to delegate. Not only for you, but for the others that you're involving. Also communication, which includes feedback. So two-way clear communication, making sure people understand why you're asking them to partner with you on this project or why you're asking them to take the baton and run with it from here. Clarity also helps in delegation so people are clear and can feel empowered with that clarity to go on and take over a task. Strengths are also a very key element playing to people's strengths. Being mindful of…
