From the course: How to Stop Overcommitting

Embrace mindful commitment

Imagine... every day, every week, every month, and every year of your life becoming more refined and focused towards your ideal self. Living with a genuine feeling of having your life fully committed to your passions without unnecessary distraction. If you've been living from a place of exhaustion, frustration, stress, and over commitment, this is the course for you. I'm Rachel Staples Guettler and I have a doctor of education in organizational leadership from Pepperdine University. I have an extensive background in teaching, coaching, and consulting by motivating and inspiring action with individuals, teams and organizations. Through this course, you're going to go on a journey that will help you embrace ways to begin mindfully organizing your calendar by evaluating your habits and emotional attachments. You'll also explore your values, priorities, goals, and gut instincts so you can achieve a new rhythm in your life, offering you freedom to delegate, prioritize, set boundaries, and create space necessary to break the cycle of over commitment. Are you ready to break the chains of over commitment? Let's do it!
