From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
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Embedding images - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
Embedding images
- [Instructor] On occasion, you are going to need to actually bring that image data into Illustrator, which, of course, is going to make your file larger perhaps, but sometimes it just has to be done to embed your image. Now, you can see here in the control strip, that is an option available there, as it is in the properties inspector, and it's actually available in a couple of other places as well. But I'm just going to do that embed, and it will give me the options here on how to import it. I can show a preview of what I'm going to get, whether I convert layers to objects or flatten them to a single image. And if I hit OK, that's it, the image data is there. I'm actually going to cancel out of that, however, because I'm going to show you another thing where it will embed an image, and that's in Crop Image. If I choose that, it actually tells you that it will embed a copy, and then you just go ahead and make your…
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