From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
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Making a Pattern Brush - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
Making a Pattern Brush
- [Instructor] Let's make a pattern brush and see how that works, at least at a very basic level, although I'm going to give you some tips for taking it further than we're going to do here. To do this, we need a piece of artwork. Well, here it is in the middle of this document, and we need the Brushes panel. And to make it, we drag that into the Brushes panel like so, you can see the whole panel there lights up. Okay, and then we need to choose Pattern Brush. Hit OK, and we get the Pattern Brush options where you can name your patterns. Now, pattern brushes are made up of five different tiles. So the one with our artwork in at the moment is this one, a side tile. We can also do a corner tile, we'll talk about that in a second, an inner corner tile, a start tile, and an end tile. So hopefully this is lighting up all sorts of creative possibilities for you. You can determine the scaling here, which can also be affected by…
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