From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
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Using layers - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
Using layers
- [Instructor] Using layers is one of the best ways to organize your content in Illustrator files and in fact, if you are preparing files for people who may be used like After Effects, layers are going to be essential. Well, if you've watched the course sequentially, you've had a visit or two to the layers panel already where I asked you to change the visibility of a couple of layers and lock them and unlock them and also make them active by clicking on them like so, so it's easy to see here which one is active. Let's go ahead and just have a look at some of the layers we've got in here. So this is another example of where layers are useful with internationalization. So here, I have an Alcanorian Lightspeeder, like so in English and then on this layer, I have the same thing in French and in this one in German and in this one, hopefully, in the correct Spanish just there. If not, just let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.…
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