From the course: Illustrator for the In-House Designer
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Layer and object naming - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator for the In-House Designer
Layer and object naming
- Naming elements in your Illustrator file can pay dividends downstream of you completing the file especially if you're working on designs for interfaces, and components of interfaces because you're generally exporting a lot of content. In this completely fictitious layout just here I've got two layers, and they're easy enough to name because the background here is the background, and the icons are above it. So I'll just call this bg for background, and Layer 2 I'll change that to icons. But a lot of people leave it at that, but there's so much more you could do. If I twirl open the icons layer you can see on the left hand side there's a little gear icon, and then on the right hand side at the top there's a network icon, and a user icon, and an exit icon. So if I rename these accordingly. If I call this one settings like so, and come along to the next one I'll call that network. And then the next one below that in the layout, but above it in the layers panel here is user. It might…
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Digital color considerations2m 11s
Working with artboards2m 1s
Layer and object naming1m 39s
Working with Asset Export2m 14s
Using symbols and libraries2m 7s
Image formats2m 53s
SVG4m 36s
SVG interactivity in Illustrator2m 44s
Create a usable image map2m 29s