From the course: Illustrator for the In-House Designer
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SVG interactivity in Illustrator - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator for the In-House Designer
SVG interactivity in Illustrator
- [Instructor] As if their infinite scalability wasn't enough, you can also make SVGs interactive. And that's what we're going to do in this movie. There are a couple of different ways you can do it. You can use CSS to change the appearance of elements of your SVG, and you can use JavaScript to extend the interactive possibilities, and they are wide. Now for best practice, as I call up the SVG interactivity panel, which you'll find in the window menu, I ought to mention that really, when you're doing this, you should use an external JavaScript file. That is actually best practice. And what we're going to do here is to use inline JavaScript. Okay, so actually writing some script that becomes part of the SVG code. To link an SVG file, just so you know, you click on this folder here. And then you just map all of the different parts to the elements of your SVG. Now some of these, I've worked on already. You can see Scotland there has a little alert that pops up, and so does Northern…
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Digital color considerations2m 11s
Working with artboards2m 1s
Layer and object naming1m 39s
Working with Asset Export2m 14s
Using symbols and libraries2m 7s
Image formats2m 53s
SVG4m 36s
SVG interactivity in Illustrator2m 44s
Create a usable image map2m 29s