From the course: Illustrator for the In-House Designer

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Using libraries effectively

Using libraries effectively

- [Instructor] File dependencies are a fact of digital production, and fortunately, the advent of Cloud services to many different vendors means that it's much easier than it ever has been to share files and also to make sure that you've always got the most up-to-date version. Creative Cloud Libraries works not only with your desktop's software, it works through a browser and it also works on mobile devices, and it is a real bonus to working with teams and even working on your own. I use Libraries myself on projects that I'm working on entirely solo. It's just nice to not have to search for the assets. In case you've never seen them before, if I just click here for Creative Cloud Libraries, and I've got a library here that is empty and waiting for content. To create a new one, you simply go to Create New Library, in the fly-out for the menu at the top there, but to add things is very, very simple. So for example I might add some of these logo devices just here. You'll notice they're…
