From the course: Illustrator for the In-House Designer

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Working with artboards

Working with artboards

- [Narrator] When you create a new Illustrator file one of the options you get is to introduce a number of art boards. And you can have up to 1,000 art boards in a document, provided there's enough room on the pace board, of course. So, at the current size, if I just drop this down to something nice and small, like 72 by 72, so around about an inch in size, that's what that looks like. And that's great if you're doing things like really massive icon sets, and of course fonts where lots and lots of character shapes are required. Got plenty of room for that. Once you've got art boards in or enough art boards in for your particular project the next thing you should be doing is naming them. I'm gonna hold down shift and tap O to get the art board tool and you'll see that all of these art boards are indeed named and I can select them like so, and you'll see their name also in the field at the top of the screen here as well. In fact, I've just managed to overwrite that one, so I'll just…
