From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Challenge: Process map—make a pizza

Challenge: Process map—make a pizza

From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

Challenge: Process map—make a pizza

(upbeat music) - Let's do an exercise to show how a process framework can help you identify the decisions you need to make and the processes you need to manage in a supply chain. All you need is a sheet of paper and a pencil. You can draw six boxes like these, or if you have access to the exercise files, you can download a blank template. Now, imagine that you're running a pizza restaurant. Think about all of the processes that are required to make and sell a pizza to a customer. List as many processes as you can think of for each of the process groups. Don't forget to think about how you'll handle returns and what enabling processes you'll need to provide customers with the pizzas they want to buy. There isn't a right answer for this exercise. It's just a chance to practice describing a business using processes and then organizing them with a process framework. Try it on your own first, then check out the answer sheet…
